Learn How to Fix "JavaScript Heap Out of Memory" in Node.js

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

· 5 min read
Learn How to Fix JavaScript Heap Out of Memory in Node.js
Learn How to Fix JavaScript Heap Out of Memory in Node.js

Running into a "JavaScript heap out of memory" error in Node.js can be frustrating, especially when you're handling large datasets, running complex algorithms, or working on memory-heavy applications. This error happens when the Node.js process exceeds the memory allocated by V8, the JavaScript engine behind Node.js.

In this guide, we’ll explore what causes this error, how to identify it, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What Is "JavaScript Heap Out of Memory"?

Node.js uses V8, a JavaScript engine with a fixed memory allocation for running JavaScript code. By default, it allocates about 512 MB of memory on 32-bit systems and 1 GB on 64-bit systems. When your Node.js application exceeds this memory limit, the process crashes, showing the "heap out of memory" error.

Common Causes of the Error

  1. Processing Large Data: If your application handles large files or datasets entirely in memory, it can quickly exhaust the available heap.
  2. Memory Leaks: Unintentionally holding onto objects in memory longer than necessary, leading to inefficient garbage collection.
  3. Inefficient Algorithms: Certain operations, like loops processing large arrays, can demand more memory than Node.js is capable of handling by default.
  4. Multiple Concurrent Operations: Running many tasks in parallel that require substantial memory.

How to Identify the Error

When this error occurs, you'll see a message similar to:

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

This indicates that your application has run out of memory, and Node.js has crashed.

Solutions to Fix "JavaScript Heap Out of Memory"

1. Increase the Memory Limit

The quickest and easiest solution is to increase the memory limit that Node.js can use by passing a flag when running your application.

node --max-old-space-size=4096 app.js

Here, --max-old-space-size sets the memory limit in megabytes. In this case, it's set to 4096 MB (or 4 GB). You can adjust this value depending on your system's memory capacity and your application's needs.


Let’s say you have the following code, which processes a large dataset:

let largeArray = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {


Running this code without adjusting the memory limit will likely cause the "JavaScript heap out of memory" error. By running it with the memory flag, like so:

node --max-old-space-size=4096 app.js

You’ll allow Node.js to allocate more memory and prevent the crash.

2. Optimize Your Code

Increasing memory may only be a temporary fix. Optimizing your code to be more memory-efficient is a longer-term solution. Here are a few techniques:

  • Stream Data Instead of Loading It All At Once: Instead of loading entire files or datasets into memory, use Node.js streams to process data in chunks.
const fs = require('fs');

const readStream = fs.createReadStream('largeFile.txt');
readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
  • Use Buffers Efficiently: When working with binary data, ensure that you use buffers appropriately to avoid unnecessary memory use.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Global Variables: Keep memory usage in check by avoiding globals and using function scopes properly.

3. Use Profiling and Memory Monitoring Tools

Use tools like Node.js Heap Profiler or Chrome DevTools to analyze memory usage and identify leaks.

Steps to Use Chrome DevTools:

  • Run your Node.js application using the --inspect flag.
node --inspect app.js
  • Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://inspect. You’ll see your running Node.js process here.
  • Click Inspect and use the Memory tab to take heap snapshots and analyze memory usage.

4. Monitor Garbage Collection

Node.js uses Garbage Collection (GC) to free up unused memory. If your application doesn’t release memory properly, the GC might struggle to free up memory efficiently. You can monitor GC behavior by running Node.js with the --trace-gc flag:

node --trace-gc app.js

This will log GC activity, helping you understand when memory is being cleaned up and whether GC is a bottleneck.

Advanced Solutions

5. Using Workers for Parallel Processing

For CPU-intensive tasks, consider using the Worker Threads API in Node.js. This allows you to run multiple operations in parallel, offloading memory and CPU usage to worker threads.

Here’s an example:

const { Worker } = require('worker_threads');

const worker = new Worker('./workerTask.js');
worker.on('message', (result) => {
  console.log('Result from worker:', result);

This can be a more scalable solution, especially for large applications that need to handle heavy computations.

6. Upgrade Node.js

Ensure that you're using an updated version of Node.js, as newer versions often come with performance improvements, memory management enhancements, and bug fixes.

You can check your Node.js version with:

node -v

If you're not using the latest version, consider updating it.


The "JavaScript heap out of memory" error is a common issue in Node.js applications, especially those dealing with large datasets, complex operations, or inefficient memory management. By increasing memory limits, optimizing code, and using tools to profile and monitor memory, you can effectively address and prevent this error from crashing your application.

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

About Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Front-end Developer skilled in the MERN stack, experienced in web and mobile development. Proficient in React.js, Node.js, and Express.js, with a focus on client interactions, sales support, and high-performance applications.

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