What is DSA Dijkstra’s Algorithm used for in real life

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

· 11 min read
What is DSA Dijkstra’s Algorithm used for in real life Banner Image
What is DSA Dijkstra’s Algorithm used for in real life Banner Image


Dijkstra’s algorithm is one of the most widely used shortest path algorithms in computer science. Named after the renowned Dutch computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra, it efficiently finds the shortest path from a single source node to all other nodes in a weighted graph. This algorithm is essential for applications in network routing, GPS navigation, AI pathfinding, and more.

In this blog, we will explore:

✅ How Dijkstra’s algorithm works
✅ Step-by-step explanation with examples
✅ Time complexity and optimization techniques
✅ Real-world applications
✅ Comparison with other shortest path algorithms

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Graphs and Shortest Path Problems
  2. What is Dijkstra’s Algorithm?
  3. How Dijkstra’s Algorithm Works (Step-by-Step Explanation)
  4. Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Python & JavaScript
  5. Time Complexity & Optimizations
  6. Real-World Applications of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  7. Comparison: Dijkstra vs. Bellman-Ford vs. A Algorithm*
  8. FAQs

1. Understanding Graphs and Shortest Path Problems

Before diving into Dijkstra’s algorithm, let's briefly understand graphs and the shortest path problem.

A graph consists of:

  • Nodes (Vertices): Represent different points in a system (e.g., cities in a map, routers in a network).
  • Edges: Connections between nodes, which can have weights (costs, distances, time, etc.).

The shortest path problem involves finding the minimum-cost route from a source node to a destination node in a weighted graph.

For example, in Google Maps, when you search for the fastest route from Point A to Point B, a shortest path algorithm like Dijkstra’s algorithm calculates the most efficient route.

2. What is Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm determines the shortest path from a single starting vertex to all other vertices in a weighted graph, provided the weights are non-negative.

Key Features:

✔️ Works with directed and undirected graphs
✔️ Finds the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes
✔️ Requires non-negative edge weights
✔️ Uses priority queue (min-heap) for optimization

Real-World Analogy

Think of Dijkstra’s algorithm as Google Maps. You want to find the shortest route from your location to multiple destinations. The algorithm starts at your location, evaluates the shortest possible routes, and updates the shortest paths dynamically until it reaches all locations.

3. How Dijkstra’s Algorithm Works (Step-by-Step Explanation)

Dijkstra’s algorithm follows these four key steps:

1️⃣ Initialize the distance to all nodes as infinity (∞), except for the source node, which is set to 0.
2️⃣ Use a priority queue (min-heap) to pick the node with the smallest distance.
3️⃣ Update distances of all adjacent nodes if a shorter path is found.
4️⃣ Repeat until all nodes are visited.

Example: Finding Shortest Path in a Graph

Consider the following weighted graph:

      / \
     4   2
    /     \

Step-by-Step Execution

StepVisited Nodes Distance from AShortest Path
1A{A: 0, B: ∞, C: ∞}A → -
2A → C{A: 0, B: ∞, C: 2}A → C
3A → C → B{A: 0, B: 3, C: 2}A → C → B

Final shortest paths:
A → C = 2
A → B = 3 (via C)

4. Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Python & JavaScript

Python Implementation (Using Min-Heap - Priority Queue)

import heapq

def dijkstra(graph, start):
    pq = []  # Priority queue (min-heap)
    heapq.heappush(pq, (0, start))  # (cost, node)
    distances = {node: float('inf') for node in graph}
    distances[start] = 0

    while pq:
        current_dist, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)

        for neighbor, weight in graph[current_node].items():
            distance = current_dist + weight
            if distance < distances[neighbor]:
                distances[neighbor] = distance
                heapq.heappush(pq, (distance, neighbor))

    return distances

# Example graph
graph = {
    'A': {'B': 4, 'C': 2},
    'B': {'C': 1},
    'C': {'B': 1}

print(dijkstra(graph, 'A'))

5. Time Complexity & Optimizations

The efficiency of Dijkstra’s algorithm varies based on the data structure implemented.

Data Structure Time Complexity
Adjacency Matrix + Simple ArrayO(V²)
Adjacency List + Min-Heap (Priority Queue) O((V + E) log V)


🔹 Use a binary heap for priority queue operations.
🔹 Implement Fibonacci heap to improve efficiency in dense graphs.

6. Real-World Applications of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

🚗 GPS & Navigation (Google Maps, Uber, Waze)
🔌 Network Routing (Internet Protocols, Data Transfer)
🎮 AI Pathfinding (Game Development, Robotics)
💰 Financial Applications (Risk Calculation, Fraud Detection)

7. Comparison: Dijkstra vs. Bellman-Ford vs. A*

FeatureDijkstraBellman-FordA* Algorithm
Works with negative weights? ❌ No✅ Yes❌ No
Best for? Large graphs with non-negative weights Graphs with negative weights Pathfinding with heuristics
Complexity O((V + E) log V) O(VE) O((V + E) log V)

8: FAQs on Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Dijkstra’s algorithm

Q1: What is Dijkstra’s Algorithm and Why is it Important?

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a graph traversal algorithm used to find the shortest path between nodes in a weighted graph with non-negative weights. It is widely used in network routing, GPS navigation, AI pathfinding, and data transmission.

Q2: How Does Dijkstra’s Algorithm Work?

Dijkstra’s algorithm follows a greedy approach by selecting the node with the smallest known distance and updating its neighbors’ distances accordingly. This process repeats until every node in the graph has been visited.

Q3: What is the computational complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm?

The runtime of Dijkstra’s algorithm is influenced by the choice of data structure used for priority queue operations.

  • Using an adjacency matrix with a simple array: O(V²)
  • Using an adjacency list with a priority queue (min-heap): O((V + E) log V)
  • Using a Fibonacci heap: O(V log V + E)

Q4: Can Dijkstra’s Algorithm Handle Negative Weights?

No, Dijkstra’s algorithm does not work with negative edge weights. If a graph has negative weights, you should use the Bellman-Ford algorithm instead.

Q5: What are the Real-World Applications of Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm is widely used in:
✔️ Google Maps, Uber, and Waze for shortest path navigation
✔️ Network routing (OSPF Protocol) in computer networks
✔️ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics for pathfinding
✔️ Logistics & Supply Chain for optimizing delivery routes
✔️ Graph-based Search Engines for finding optimal connections

Q6: What is the Difference Between Dijkstra’s Algorithm and A Algorithm?*

FeatureDijkstra’s AlgorithmA* Algorithm
ApproachGreedy algorithmHeuristic-based search
Uses heuristics?❌ No✅ Yes
Best used forFinding shortest paths in weighted graphsPathfinding in games, AI, and robotics
ComplexityO((V + E) log V)O((V + E) log V) but faster in practice

Q7: Why is Dijkstra’s Algorithm Considered a Greedy Algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm always picks the smallest unvisited node first, ensuring that it makes the best local decision at each step, which is the definition of a greedy algorithm.

Q8: What are the Limitations of Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

  • ❌ Cannot handle negative edge weights
  • ❌ Not efficient for graphs with many edges (dense graphs)
  • ❌ Requires a priority queue for better performance
  • ❌ Less efficient than A algorithm* in AI-based pathfinding

Q9: What is the Difference Between Dijkstra’s Algorithm and Bellman-Ford Algorithm?

FeatureDijkstra’s AlgorithmBellman-Ford Algorithm
Handles negative weights? ❌ No✅ Yes
Time ComplexityO((V + E) log V) O(VE)
Best suited for Large graphs with positive weightsGraphs with negative weights

Q10: How is Dijkstra’s Algorithm Used in GPS Navigation?

Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in GPS applications like Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze to compute the shortest driving route between locations based on real-time traffic data and road conditions.

Q11: How Can We Optimize Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Large Graphs?

To optimize Dijkstra’s algorithm for large graphs, you can:
✔️ Use a binary heap (priority queue) to improve efficiency
✔️ Use a Fibonacci heap to reduce complexity to O(V log V + E)
✔️ Implement Bidirectional Dijkstra’s Algorithm for faster execution

Q12: What is the Space Complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

The space complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm is O(V + E) because it stores distance arrays, priority queues, and adjacency lists.

Q13: Does Dijkstra’s Algorithm Work with Undirected Graphs?

Yes, Dijkstra’s algorithm works with both directed and undirected graphs, as long as all edge weights are non-negative.

Q14: Can Dijkstra’s Algorithm be Used for Weighted Trees?

Yes, Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used for weighted trees since trees are a special case of graphs where each node has only one path to any other node.

Q15: Why is Dijkstra’s Algorithm Not Suitable for Negative Weight Graphs?

Dijkstra’s algorithm fails in graphs with negative weights because it assumes that once a node’s shortest distance is found, it cannot be updated. However, in graphs with negative weights, a shorter path may be discovered later, leading to incorrect results.

Q16: How Does Dijkstra’s Algorithm Handle Ties Between Paths?

If multiple paths have the same shortest distance, Dijkstra’s algorithm may return any one of them based on the order in which nodes are processed in the priority queue.

Q17: Can Dijkstra’s Algorithm be Used in Machine Learning?

Yes! Dijkstra’s algorithm is useful in machine learning for:
✔️ Clustering algorithms (e.g., finding shortest paths between clusters)
✔️ Graph-based recommendation systems
✔️ Neural network optimizations

Q18: What is the Difference Between Single-Source and All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms?

  • Single-Source Shortest Path (Dijkstra’s Algorithm) → Finds shortest paths from one node to all others
  • All-Pairs Shortest Path (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm) → Finds shortest paths between all node pairs

Q19: How Do Game Developers Use Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in game development for:
🎮 AI pathfinding (NPC movement)
🎮 Creating efficient enemy routes in games
🎮 Designing strategic gameplay maps

Q20: Is Dijkstra’s Algorithm Used in Social Networks?

Yes! Dijkstra’s algorithm helps in social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn by:
🔗 Finding the shortest connection between two people
🔗 Recommending friends based on shortest paths in social graphs
🔗 Identifying the most influential users


Dijkstra’s algorithm is a powerful tool used in navigation, networking, AI, game development, and social networks. Whether you’re optimizing routing in GPS, improving AI pathfinding, or solving shortest path problems in data science, understanding Dijkstra’s algorithm is essential.

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Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

About Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Front-end Developer skilled in the MERN stack, experienced in web and mobile development. Proficient in React.js, Node.js, and Express.js, with a focus on client interactions, sales support, and high-performance applications.

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